
Spring 7 days to die
Spring 7 days to die

spring 7 days to die

Final grades are always due 72 hours after the official end date of the course. Refunds, adds/drops/withdrawals, and grade changes for courses on nonstandard schedules (including MBA modules), as well as all summer session courses, are calculated proportionately, based on the percentage of the course completed. Note: The refund, add/drop/withdrawal, grade change, and final grades schedule applies to all courses with a standard schedule during a regular semester (fall/spring). the evening before a holiday or vacation period. Spring break is the week following the spring semester midterm. The holidays and vacations observed by the university are noted below. For the full WCL academic calendar, please go to:

spring 7 days to die

The academic calendar for the Washington College of Law (WCL) of American University varies from this general schedule. The last week of the fall and spring semesters is set aside for final examinations. The academic calendar is divided into fall and spring semesters of approximately 15 weeks each and summer sessions of varying length.

Spring 7 days to die